"Hastings District Council is working with private developers, social housing providers and iwi to build more homes, faster across the district."
"We currently have approximately 1000 homes either under construction or in the planning stage, including Waingākau, a 120-house development in west Flaxmere… but there is still more work to do."
"We are hopeful that central government will come to the party to accelerate housing developments in the district; we have the land and the partners, we are just lacking the capital required."
He said making Hastings a great place to live is a key priority of his.
"Our local economy is strong right now with both industry and retail performing well."
"We've got some exciting developments planned for the Hastings CBD that will coincide with the reopening of the Opera House. We are investing in upgrading our parks and playgrounds so the future for Hastings is bright."
After a mayoral bid in the 2017 by-election, in which he came second, Barber said he will not be running for mayor this time round.
"I won't be running for mayor at this election, but I haven't ruled out having another go at the top job in the future."
He said he has a good working relationship with both current mayor Sandra Hazlehurst, and councillor Damon Harvey who has also put his hand up, and will be supportive of whoever gets the top job.