I remember watching a friend of mine plucking hairs from her chin. She is 10 years older than me and at the time I thought "that's never going to happen to me".
How wrong I was. It's not something people like to talk about. We tell our friends and family about the lovely massage or a skin treatment we had, but unwanted facial hair is not often discussed over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.
No one has ever said to me " you have a big black hair on your chin". So when HB Laser Skin Clinic owner Tracey Price told me about her new Milesman Compact hair removal machine I decided to give it a shot.
Tracey says that currently they are the only clinic in New Zealand and Australia with this technology. "The great thing is the comfort of the treatment with the ice cold cooling tip and also the speed in which areas can be treated - full legs can be treated within 10 minutes," Tracey said.
"We can also treat a wider variety of hair types and skin types including darker complexions. Unlike many other lasers the Milesman is very effective on fine hair not just coarse hair."