US rapper 50 Cent (left) has mocked Hastings mobster Puk Kireka over his tattoos. Photo Supplied
US rapper 50 Cent (left) has mocked Hastings mobster Puk Kireka over his tattoos. Photo Supplied
Hawke's Bay mobster Puk Kireka has extended a warm "haere mai" to American rapper 50 Cent following a cheap shot from the singer over his facial tattoos.
In a video response today, Kireka said he was stoked at being called out on social media by the musician, and has invitedthe rapper to visit him in Hastings.
"Someone like him mentioning me in his statuses, I feel privileged a little bit," Kireka said.
"If you've got something to say come over, unfortunately I can't come to your country 'coz , I'm too gangster and my criminal history won't allow me to enter into your country.
"So haere mai, come over to New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, sit down and we'll have a chat...whatever you want to do."
Kireka's video was sent to Hawke's Bay Today by his Tamatea Club rugby coach Levi Armstrong, who quipped the video may just "score" Kireka a music contract.
Kireka made sports headlines last week after his dramatic weight loss and impressive performances for Tamatea.
His prominent black and red facial tattoo spells "notorious", which he admitted would hinder his prospects of landing a job.
He was the best during Tamatea's pre-season fitness tests and recorded a time of 7m 50s for the main test which involved 30 press-ups, 30 squats, 30 sit-ups and three consecutive 500m sprints.
"I could have done more than those three 500 metres at the end ... that's how good I felt," Kireka recalled.
He understood there may be sceptics who will question whether meth was used during his weight-loss programme.
"I was into meth before my last stint in jail. But I kicked the habit while in prison and I've been drug-free for the last four years," Kireka explained.
UK newspaper the Sun published an article based on the interview headlining with "MOB JUSTICE Gangster with 'Notorious' tattooed across his face moans he can't find a job".
Tamatea premier club rugby player and mobster, Puk Kireka, says he's undergone a fitness and lifestyle transformation. Photo File
Then 50 Cent fired his shot, publicly commenting on Kireka's facial tattoo by posting a screenshot of the Sun's article to his Instagram.
"What the f*** is really going on man. I wonder why he can't get a job," the rapper wrote.
This is not the first time 50 Cent has publicly shamed people on Instagram.
In April 2019 he viciously joked about jailed rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine giving up information on detained British-born rapper 21 Savage, in an attempt to reduce his own sentence.
Kireka, a father-of-three who joined the Mongrel Mob in 2008, said he "will always be a mobster" but wants "to bring some of the others on board this better lifestyle".
"A lot of them are still drinking and smoking. While they aren't getting into much trouble they are still ruining their lives with their lifestyle,"