The weather forecast said showers and wind but the day stayed fine at the Woodville Races on September 18 when the Woodville and Pahiatua Racing Club held its first meeting since March.
Response to the day was massive with so many horses registered (168) that 12 races had to be run – a number hardly ever seen at Woodville in recent years.
There were many entries from the Waikato including Stephen Marsh whose Cambridge stud brought six entries accompanied by Stephen's dad and mum Bruce and Kay Marsh. Bruce was a major trainer at Woodville from 1968 and had many winners before trying his luck in Singapore.

His first winner there was the Singapore Derby and his most famous horse Gingerbread Man won many events in the 14 years they lived there. Now semi-retired in Cambridge, he helps Stephen and both he and Kay really enjoyed their return to where they raised their kids in Woodville.