It was a gamble to run the annual Dannevirke High School Ball outside of the "ball season" (usually winter) but in these uncertain Covid times taking your chance to run it during daylight saving and in the autumn paid off for the school.
Did the students respond? They surely did with 161 attending along with 20 staff and the school putting on an absolutely great night.
They came in a huge range of transport types - the latest and the classic cars featuring an Aston Martin, a Chev Silverado and just about more left-hand drive vehicles than the normal right-hand, interspersed by big rigs, a dragster and numerous utes.
Students arrived at the ball together.
They walked the catwalk to the Town Hall surrounded by hundreds of well-wishers in the warm mild conditions through the gold balloon decorated entrance of Casino Royale-Dannevegas and the public went home.
Inside the Town Hall was decorated gold casino style with each table numbered by a playing card – the staff tables both having a joker.
Photos were taken on the stage behind the curtain, nibbles were served, welcomes were said, the main course was distributed by Year 10 student waiters – their turn to be waited on next year.
Then they danced, led by the head students and senior Year 13 class. The students had selected the playlist of songs – no problem there – the meal supplied by the Matamau Diner – back again after rave reviews last year- was great again and the night went on.
Principal Di Carter was delighted with the preparation, the organisation and the decorum of her students. As to the students – some were pretty quiet on Sunday morning!