Toi Ahua installation welcomes visitors into MTG. Photo / Supplied
Toi Ahua installation welcomes visitors into MTG. Photo / Supplied
I'm delighted to announce that MTG Hawke's Bay has recently appointed Toni MacKinnon to the role of curator – art at the museum.
Toni comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience including teaching design and visual arts at Unitec in Auckland, managing education, public programmes and outreach at AucklandMuseum, and more recently as the director of Hastings City Art Gallery.
Toni will be known to many and is a well-recognised figure among the art community here in Hawke's Bay. We're excited that Toni is working at MTG and hope you'll join us in making her feel welcome while she settles into the role.
Recently we arranged the filming of Roy Dunningham, who is a staunch and long-time supporter of MTG, including a number of years on the Hawke's Bay Museums Trust Board and the Acquisitions Committee.
Roy's special interest lies in the art collection, and his extensive knowledge on why and how the art collection has developed over the years is fascinating.
His understanding of the collection includes stories around some key acquisitions, why some "not so great" works were acquired and the politics behind the scenes at the time.
The video of Roy captures how the collection has been shaped over time and why the museum has the collection we have today.
We're incredibly lucky to have talented and knowledgeable people like Roy in the community who are so generous and giving of their time and expertise.
Caring for the collections is one of our core activities and we're pleased to have recently received funds from the Webb Family Trust for the conservation treatment of three artworks. Undertaking conservation treatment ensures these works are able to be enjoyed today and preserved for future generations.
In early December we will have the final iteration of Toi Ahua, the Iwitoi Kahugunu collective of artists' works on display in our main foyer.
Laura Vodanovich
It's been a pleasure over the past nine months or so to see this installation evolve from a series of black, white and red artworks, to include green, and then blue.
I'm looking forward to seeing what artists add into the final installation. The controlled palette has both provided a creative challenge for the artists as well as a cohesive feel to the overall installation.
Locals and visitors have responded positively to this vibrant art installation welcoming them into the museum.
More artworks from the collection will soon be on display in our Rongonui: Taonga mai ngā tāngata, ngā wāhi, me ngā takahanga, Treasured taonga from people, places and events exhibition, which opens to the public on November 30.
This exhibition shares treasures from the taonga collection and includes works from three significant contemporary Māori artists.
On the same day, we screen the movie Big Eyes in the Century Theatre at 2pm.
This film shares the incredible story of how Walter Keane claimed fame as one of the most commercially successful artists of the 1960s when, in truth, he couldn't even paint and his wife was the real artist.
On the same weekend, 5 Pākehā Painters comes to a close; its final day is Sunday, December 1.
• Laura Vodanovich is MTG director.
What's On
• Ali Harper in Legendary Divas. MTG Century Theatre, Thursday, November 28, 7.30pm. Proudly supporting the Napier and Hastings Women's Refuges, Legendary Divas is a memorable night of great music and songs. Tickets through Ticketek.
• Our new exhibition - Rongonui: Taonga mai ngā tāngata, ngā wāhi, me ngā takahanga, Treasured taonga from people, places and events will be open to the public on Saturday, November 30.
• MTG Movie Club – Big Eyes. MTG Century Theatre, Saturday, November 30, 2pm. Tickets $10 or $5 for Friends of MTG. Tickets from the front desk at MTG or through Eventfinda.
• MTG Family Movie Club – The Polar Express. MTG Century Theatre, Sunday, December 1, 10.30am. Free admission, no booking required.
• Five Pākehā Painters - Last day to view exhibition is Sunday, December 1.
• NZ Army Band: In Concert. MTG Century Theatre, Tuesday, December 3, 7.30pm. Join the New Zealand Army in concert for a memorable evening of music. Tickets available through Ticketek.