Bob Foster, former principal of Central Hawke's Bay College, died recently in Napier. He was widely known as a scholar and a gentleman.
Bob spent 40 years in education, over half of them in Central Hawke's Bay, where he was a real pillar of the community.
He always wanted to be a teacher, and after training college and some war service in New Zealand, he was briefly a relieving teacher of English and Latin at Feilding Agricultural High School in 1947. He was remarkably successful – one of his cricket XI became an All Black, and a Latin pupil became a professor of chemistry.
After an early stint as a boarding housemaster at Wanganui Collegiate, he joined the staff of the Waipawa DHS in 1953 teaching English and French, and coaching rugby and cricket. He then spent a year at Colenso HS in Napier, then on to CHB College in 1960 as head of English and French until 1963. At the college he met and married Jennifer Wohlers, who was also on the staff.
Bob and Jenny went to Auckland in 1962 where he was appointed HOD English and Languages at Avondale College, and where he completed his MA part-time, before going to Gore HS as deputy principal in 1966.