It was great to have a catch-up with “Team Ag” Tararua last week, alongside the recovery team.
There are plenty of opportunities out there at the moment to help strengthen both the skillset and resources within our local communities.
Our discussions were broad and will hopefully lead to fewer clashes in our events schedule and a greater awareness as to what each of the organisations initiates to empower locals within communities. If you fancy a first aid course, Good Yarn workshop, comedy night, or anything else then groups like Reap or RST (Rural Support Trust) are waiting by the phone and ready to help!
It was good to stop and refocus on what Federated Farmers’ role is within the Tararua community. For me that remains allowing farmers to keep on farming with minimal disruption.
Our organisation is driven by volunteers who are all there because we want to get the best outcomes we can for farmers - your interests are at the forefront of our minds. That’s why we spend the time going to meetings, speaking to media, or fronting issues with the likes of councils.