Federated Farmers contracts are being updated to include provisions for sharemilkers and sharemilker farm owners to develop a farm biosecurity plan.
A viable sharemilking industry has long been a key part of the vibrancy and innovation of the dairy industry. With the Mycoplasma bovis incursion and the decision to try and eradicate the disease, "an extra challenge has been put in front of us," the Federation's Sharemilker Farm Owners chairman Tony Wilding says.
A biosecurity plan has in the past been sensible business practice under the sharemilker/farm owner model. Now it's an imperative, Tony says.
Federated Farmers Sharemilkers Chairperson Richard McIntyre says there is plenty of advice on the Dairy NZ website www.dairynz.co.nz/animal/cow-health/mycoplasma-bovis/, including the kinds of questions that need to be asked if new stock is coming onto the farm.
"But there should also be discussion about how the farm will function in the medium and longer term from a biosecurity perspective.