All the anecdotal evidence provided to us by Police, health organisations, social agencies, Council and What It Takes (WIT) tell us that our social conscience is feeding addiction habits, drug dealing, synthetic abuse resulting in vomiting, comatose behaviour and ever-increasing anti-social and aggressive behaviour.
The photo of the three beggars interviewed by HB Today showed cigarettes on the ground! Police say there is no need for anyone to be homeless, they work hard with the Ministry of Social Development and Winz to assist these people address their issues.
They also say that the genuine homeless tend not to beg. Their resources are stretched and there is a vacuum that needs to be filled. It is heartening to see the NCC's Public "Helping Hands" campaign under way, a house for rough sleepers opening in Napier and Whatever It Takes investigating extending its hours of operation in order to reduce begging and anti-social behaviour.
It therefore comes as a surprise that HB Today ran an editorial about Council's "graceless" approach to beggars when we have Council staff working tirelessly with the Police and other agencies to find solutions to help our community's most vulnerable.
Councillor Tania Wright's Talking Point didn't deserve to be the source of a personal attack, the editorial clearly lacked an appreciation or knowledge of the current situation facing people in our CBD and Clive Square.
Councillor Wright talked of a co-ordinated approach with the Police, DHB, Council and central government with a view to improving communication and increasing funding for housing, mental health and addiction services.
There is no question that as a community we all have a part to play in resolving this. Homelessness and beggars are complex issues, but solutions can be found when communities and agencies work together; when people band together.
So let's keep our social conscience programmed to produce the right outcomes for all those who live in our fabulous city.
Please give to organisations who are best placed to help these people.
Faye White is Deputy Mayor of Napier & Chair of Community Services Committee