The group approached us in the lead-up to Te Matatini about showcasing Ngati Kahungunu art to our visitors.
This was a new way of working for the museum, in terms of giving over the exhibition development and design to an external party.
In doing so, the museum benefited from the innovative ideas of Sandy Adsett, founder of Iwi Toi Kahungunu, who used colour, layout and structure to evoke the warm feel of a wharenui within the gallery space.
Containing such a variety of form, style and materials it still creates a cohesive experience anchored in the overarching design concept.
The success of this has been widely recognised, particularly the use of many different colours, with the exhibition being named a finalist in the Resene Total Colour Awards.
We look forward to working with Iwi Toi Kahungunu and other external groups in the future and believe this will absolutely enrich the culture and meaning of the museum for our community.
Tuturu closes on Sunday, August 20, so there's still time to experience it. I'm going to miss this exhibition and the feeling of being embraced as you enter the gallery.
As always, when one thing goes something new comes along, so it really is a case of forever saying goodbye to one exhibition and then welcoming in the new.
Following Tuturu is an exhibition of new artworks added to the Hawke's Bay Museums Trust collection. Two series of artwork, by Jono Rotman and Brett Graham, will go on display in this space starting on Saturday 2 September. This will be followed by a small selection of Japanese Art Deco kimono, opening early November.
Coming up this week is the opportunity to have a cultural experience during your lunchbreak.
Students of Project Prima Volta are giving a series of 30-minute recitals in our front foyer from Tuesday, August 15, to Friday, August 18.
Project Prima Volta offers 30 Hawke's Bay teenagers coaching and mentoring in classical singing, including opera.
If you haven't listened to this type of music before, or if you're not sure it's for you, this is a quick and easy way to give it a try.
Listening to music in a museum setting changes the whole dynamic - creating a beautiful blend of audio and visual delights.
These are some seriously talented people and we're so pleased they are coming to sing here.
There will be a koha box (proceeds to Project Prima Volta), so please bring along a contribution and come and enjoy the experience.
* Soundbites, 30-minute recitals by Project Prima Volta students during the lunch hour, Tuesday, August 15, to Friday, August 18, 12.15pm. Entry by koha.
* New Zealand International Film Festival, September 7-24. Programmes available at MTG and many cafes in Hastings and Napier. $16 adults, $14 concession, $11 children (15 and under). Opening night $20 including complementary refreshments.
* Kids drop-in zone continues to be open every weekend with craft activities and a story corner to enhance your visit to the museum.
* Laura Vodanovich is the director of the Museum Theatre Gallery (MTG) Hawke's Bay.