Te Kura is a Ngāti Kahungunu approach to Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke, which is a New Zealand Police initiative that encourages collaboration with iwi and other agencies to reduce family harm within Māori communities.
Te Kura, while still in its infancy, has made significant progress strengthening the partnership between police, Government agencies and NGO services across the Hawke’s Bay region. The vision for this past year has been to support the development of authentic two-way partnerships working collectively to empower whānau to be safe from family harm and violence. Our goals and objectives for the past year has been to build on: Kotahitanga - by strengthening our Ngāti Kahungunu iwi and New Zealand Police partnership model; Mahi Tahi – working as one, collectively with both non-government and government agency partners, holding daily hui and injecting or incorporating our iwi lens, sometimes challenging the way we do things kanohi ki te kanohi [face-to-face] and starting hui with karakia to support the wellbeing and wairua of participants; and Ora – ensuring that our practices reflect restoration and the aspirations of whānau, allowing for a holistic solutions-focused approach to support whole whānau.
Te Kura is governed under the iwi’s Te Ara Toiora [wellbeing] governing group, Te Tumu Whakahaere o Te Wero – Whakamoe Patu (or in short, ‘Te Wero’). The group consists of Māori service providers that were initially pulled together to achieve Te Wero [the challenge], to ‘Whakamoe Patu’, or ‘lay your weapons to rest’ – a Kahungunu approach to becoming violence-free. The ‘Te Wero’ group has morphed to become more of a governing group for all aspects of wellbeing in the iwi.
Recently, Te Kura gathered a group of agencies to work on strengthening the aspirations of Te Kura by co-ordinating a stronger voice to seek funding and other resources to help reduce family harm in the Hawke’s Bay region within Kahungunu. It was well-attended by representatives from Awhina Services, Ikaroa Rangatahi Services, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Oranga Tamariki, Work and Income, Dove Hawke’s Bay, Health Hawke’s Bay, Kainga Pasifika, and Family VIP Women’s Refuge.
With the Christmas and New Year season fast approaching, the Te Kura team is preparing for their busiest time of the year.