Korrin Barrett with fiance Craig Holmwood and friends Jo Aston and Jenny MacLean near the finish line of the Cigna 10km. Photo / Duncan Brown
Korrin Barrett with fiance Craig Holmwood and friends Jo Aston and Jenny MacLean near the finish line of the Cigna 10km. Photo / Duncan Brown
The day after the Hawke's Bay International Marathon Korrin Barrett said she was feeling a bit sore, and with good reason.
The Havelock North woman walked the Cigna 10km, despite having lost all four of her limbs in 2012 due to sepsis.
Barrett said walking on her prosthetics means she uses about 80 per cent more energy than most people while walking.
"I don't know what the equivalent of 10km would be, maybe a half marathon, I'm not sure.
"There is a lot more involved, and I obviously have to be quite aware of my surroundings and where I am putting my feet, and I use my core quite a lot and stuff like that."
Barrett had surgery called osseointegration in 2016, in which an implant is inserted into the end of the femur or tibia to enable a strong connection from the stump to the prosthesis, which she said has helped.
"My old style of legs with the traditional sockets and stuff, I could really only walk 1km at a time before I would need to sit down."
She took her wheelchair with her on Saturday in case she needed to have a rest, but managed the entire 10km without it.
"I was really happy about that, and just having my friends and my partner Craig with me, it was just an awesome achievement."
Anita and Paul Worthington supporting Barrett not far from the finish line. Photo / Duncan Brown
She said crossing the finish line was emotional, and a moment to cherish.
"Coming across the finish line with people either side just cheering me on I got quite emotional."
The group completed the walk in two hours and two minutes, just over her goal of doing it in under two hours.
However she said she and her support team stopped to take pictures at every sign saying how many kilometres were left, and if they had not done that, they probably would have achieved it.
She said she was looking at doing the same walk next year, along with other events, including possibly participating in this year's IRONMAORI quarter.
She said she would consider doing something longer, such as a half marathon, in the future, but it depended a lot on the terrain.
She said she hoped her story could help inspire people.
"I just think it's quite important to challenge yourself but also to show people that you can do it, if you put your mind to it.
"I just hope I can encourage other people to get out of their comfort zone.