There used to be a running joke a few years back about how Prince Charles allegedly spoke to plants and trees. And of course, the term "tree huggers" emerged in the wake of some embracing folk believing trees had sensitive souls of some bark-crusted sort.
The comedian and writer Spike Milligan was inspired by such pursuits to write the lines of a song which went - "I talk to the trees ... that's why they put me away".
Well Spikey boy, if that were the case then I should have been placed in a secure room just after 9.20am yesterday. For I spoke to a tree.
A tree I had been forced to "injure" in the name of progress. Namely, to allow water to progress from the street-side mains through a startlingly small pipe into our house.
I like trees, although the variety which has a penchant for dropping its leaves every autumn do bother me a tad.