Hastings couple Neville and Morag Lush and others ripped-off by professionals in whom they have trusted with their life savings have a right to feel devastated by the events which have hit them pretty much where it hurts most.
It is thus some credit to Mr Lush, perhaps moderated by the lengthy time these things take to pass their way through the system, that when disgraced lawyer David Porteous got some legal come-uppance yesterday, that such a victim only wanted to hear the man admit what he had done and that it was wrong.
Comparatively speaking, it was far from being the biggest rort by a lawyer or accountant in Hawke's Bay - Waipawa lawyer Warren Pickett holds the record for that in almost all respects, $20 million, 220 victims, and, apparently, 20 years of fiddling the funds of his friends.
Porteous yesterday got six months' home detention, in 2009 Pickett got five years.
The penalty however is not in the penance meted by a Judge, but in the odium and contempt all of society most show these thieves who take advantage of their own good natures and measures of good standing in the most arrogant of ways.
In the dock, they stand as pathetic figures, any remorse very hard to accept, when it is often clear it is more a moment of embarrassment over finally being found out, not really of great consequence, and almost as if it carries about the same discrediting weight as missing a kick at goal in a social rugby game.