There is a civil defence advert on radio at present that has a bunch of children describing what causes an earthquake. The answers make one smile because it is clear they have no understanding at all. However, in reply to the question: What do you do in an earthquake? the shouted response is "Drop, cover, hold."
The point of the advert is that even if most kids cannot give you the scientific explanation of an earthquake, they all know what to do if the ground starts shaking.
The reason is they have been taught it and have practised it many times. That is the thing with children, make something interesting and they will remember it.
The physical activity of dropping to the ground, covering and holding will remain with them and come in handy if they need it.
I am constantly surprised how my two younger girls can repeat something important they have learnt from school in minute detail. The reason is it has been interesting enough for them to remember. I am regularly given lectures by my five-year-old on some important safety tip she has learnt.