Slowly but surely this year there has been quite a remarkable story developing in Hawke's Bay.
If you pull all the strands together you will see that, which ever way you look at it, our region's economy is in pretty good shape.
For me the story that really hit the mark was the Infometrics' June 2016 Quarterly Economic Monitor, which showed that Napier and Hastings' economic growth outpaced Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch for the year to June. The report showed that Napier's GDP grew 4.7 per cent while Hastings District's grew 3.7 per cent.
The differences between Napier and Hastings were primarily attributed to more people moving to Napier, construction, vehicle registrations and tourism. But also our primary sector is doing particularly well.
Infometrics economist Benje Patterson said fruit, wine and forestry prices were good and, with the New Zealand dollar coming down from historic highs, there was "more money in the back pocket" for our region, which is export-focused.