Ben Smith's try-saving isn't the biggest talk of the match.
Ben Smith's try-saving isn't the biggest talk of the match.
All talk is of the weekend's biggest hit.
Not to be outdone by All Black Ben Smith's try-saving felling of English oak Manu Tuilagi, a 19-year-old pulled off the tackle of the test in the 62nd minute, meting out a complete hammering.
Debate continues to rage whether security guard Brad Hemopo's high shot on naked pitch invader Adam Holtslag was over the top - or whether the pole-axing was deserved.
Excessive? Absolutely.
The force used was hardly commensurate with the actions of this stationary offender.
TV One Breakfast weather man Sam Wallace summed up the high shot yesterday morning when he suggested males were a little wary of tackling naked men low. Hetero-panic dictates anything less than a crushing hit would furrow the brows.
One could argue those now contemplating a naked repeat at Forsyth Barr Stadium will think thrice before gapping it. The flipside is pitch invasion is hardly an industry in need of a deterrent. The sheer gall and exhibitionism make it a rare, self-regulating pastime.
Commentators who, without exception, decry such acts as unwanted are either toeing the boss' line, or utterly misreading their market. On such occasions, simply listen to crowds' collective delight.
To boot, as of last night the nude cameo had 406,800 views on YouTube - Ben Smith's tackle had 2272 hits.
If streaking's an interruption, it's of the comic-relief variety. As anyone in theatre circles knows, comic relief serves only to intensify the drama. Let's see this for what it is.
Besides, what an audacious act from this chap in Dunedin, in winter, a week shy of the shortest day.