Jacinda Ardern can be happy with the results of the first post-election poll which crucially show that 51 per cent of people believe the new government is heading in the right direction.
Add to that the preferred Prime Minister stakes which put her, at 37 per cent, well ahead of National leader Bill English's 28 per cent, and you can see why there is suddenly an air of confidence around our young leader.
The One News/Colmar Brunton poll released on Sunday reflects just what a bizarre, truly MMP election this was. National tops the tables as the most popular party with 46 per cent, up 1.6 points from election night.
Interestingly Labour also moved up 2.1 points, as did the Greens (1.7 points to 7 per cent). However, New Zealand First is now sitting on 5 per cent, which is down 2.2 points.
So, the coalition as a whole did not receive the normal bounce a new government gets, but the two more left-leaning partners in the arrangement did.
Either way, it is not the worst possible start and generally speaking, while not having pushed a lot of legislation through, Ms Ardern has managed her government well so far.