By now most of you will have received your voting papers and some of you will have already ticked the boxes.
It is important that people vote as this is the only way you can play a role in getting the people you want to represent you elected.
Having a look at all the candidates in all the council races, there is certainly a wide variety of characters holding varied viewpoints to choose from.
Hawke's Bay Today has tried to let you get to know the candidates and what they stand for. We are in the process of running a series of questions and answers with all of them.
I am pleased to say that the candidates have co-operated and sent in the answers to what are some fairly tough and personal questions.
Obviously we have tailored some questions to suit candidates standing in different areas, but there are some that are applicable to most of the candidates. The dam is a perfect example, Aside from Tararua, it is important for voters to know where their potential councillors stand on the issue.