I'm going to look on the bright side of a recent Prison Performance Table which said Hawke's Bay Regional Prison was among three prisons "needing improvement".
The same report also said the prison's rehabilitation performance was "exceptional".
That is something I think we all need to celebrate. I'm all for "do the crime, pay the time" and not easy time, either. However, if inmates reoffend upon release, what is the point of the time behind bars?
If, on the other hand, they come out with a different outlook on life, perhaps some new skills, never to reoffend - well, I say hallelujah. Taxpayers aren't paying over and over, there are fewer victims and someone is contributing to our community instead of taking away from it.
Hawke's Bay Regional Prison manager George Massingham says it has been a journey: "We have increased our ability to offer drug and alcohol rehabilitation, both of which are the root causes of people committing crime. Also our programme Second Chance Dogs has been a huge success."