It is not long to go before Hawke's Bay Today is relaunched in a new, easy-to-read compact format.
We are excited about the change and so will you be when you see what we have done. Very soon, we will be giving you a sneak peek of the new paper.
The big day is Monday, February 25, so be sure to get a copy of it.
A lot of work has gone into the change. International and national surveys show that people prefer the smaller paper and our sister paper, the New Zealand Herald, converted successfully in September last year. We will still be local, but we will be bold, fresh and modern.
There will be many changes, including our masthead and look, but we will still be the paper you have loved for the past 13 years. This will be your paper - we have asked you what you like about our paper and you have responded. For those of you who have not yet given us your views, there is still time. Please feel free to write to us at