No sirens, no bells - I glanced at my "personal" cellphone at precisely 9.26 yesterday morning.
That in itself was clearly an indication of how deep the first-ever nationwide New Zealand ShakeOut drill had imprinted itself on my consciousness.
Hawke's Bay Today had worked on stories over the months leading in, and then on Tuesday for yesterday's edition. So the significance of the time was fresh.
I'd also spoken to my primary school-aged twins about their preparations. Apparently, the younger students at school were standing up during rehearsals, only to be brought to heel by the eminently more sensible older students.
Mere seconds after I'd glanced at my cellphone, the Civil Defence sirens went off in Napier, the bell went off at the school across the road, and I didn't drop, cover and hold. That didn't seem necessary, as I navigated my laptop and drank a coffee in the solitude of my own home.