Hawke's Bay Today needs your help.
As many of you will be aware, we are changing from a broadsheet newspaper to the smaller, compact format. We will use this opportunity to improve every aspect of your favourite newspaper. To do this, we need your input.
It has already been a year of change for us - in March, we moved from an afternoon delivery cycle to become a morning newspaper. It was the right thing to do and we are still first with the Bay's news.
After the successful conversion of our sister newspaper, the New Zealand Herald, to compact in September, it is now our turn. On February 25 next year, we will launch our new compact newspaper. Local and international research has shown that most readers prefer a smaller paper and we aim to give you the best possible read. One thing will remain - our commitment to carrying local news, opinion and sport.
A lot of work has already been done on the new paper, but as we value your opinion, we want you to be involved in the process. We are looking at updating and modernising our masthead, changing the layout and design and giving you added-value content.