In a world with a penchant for lustful vengeance in issues of crime resolution and, more broadly, justice, the approach of the Napier Pilot City Trust is at least a breath of fresh air, even if some are confused about its direction.
The few days leading up to Anzac Day, however, afford a bit of clearing of the air, for it is in this period that the trust is most active each year, through Unity Week, this year a week which started on Saturday morning with a walk and ends on Saturday night with a dinner.
In between are some important events, specifically today's Robson Lecture and presentation of the trust's annual awards.
The lecture commemorates late Secretary of Justice John Robson, a leading figure in the debate which led to Parliament's 1961 conscience vote doing away with the death penalty in New Zealand for all offences except treason.
This year it will be delivered by Judge Andrew Becroft, the principal judge of the Youth Court in New Zealand.