Health scares involving food are always a concern.
Whenever there is a possibility that food is contaminated in some way, one realises just how reliant we are on proper hygienic systems being in place when food is packed and prepared.
Most of us have had a brush with some level of food poisoning in our lives and even minor illness from contaminated food is not very pleasant.
It is for this reason that some people would have been a bit concerned to hear the news yesterday morning that apples and peaches on sale across the country could have been contaminated with Hepatitis A. The fact that it stemmed from a worker at a Hawke's Bay packhouse handling fruit over a four-day period while infected with the virus made it worse.
However, these fears would have faded once the Ministry of Primary Industries showed that they had moved quickly to contain the problem and reassured the public at large that the risk of becoming ill was "relatively low".