On 5 November 2015, the Communications Manager for the Napier City Council circulated a media release outlining the planned redevelopment of what was then the Napier War Memorial Conference Centre.
In this release the architect of the changes is quoted as follows: "...the relocation of the war memorial to a more visible and meaningful setting has been particularly satisfying. We wanted the entry plaza to be a vibrant public space that people will enjoy whether stopping or simply walking through. It is framed ... on the city side by the spine of the war memorial which is clad in Hinuera stone."
The release concludes: "the new war memorial space ...will be able to be entered from Marine Parade as well as the centre foyer. A large window in its new curved wall, overlooking the lawn and gardens, will allow for 24 hour viewing of the memorial from a path behind the floral clock - something which has been welcomed by both the Napier and Taradale RSAs."
The redevelopment is now complete, the building has been relaunched under its new and unimaginative name of the Napier Conference Centre - but where is this promised inspirational new war memorial space?
In Saturday's Hawke's Bay Today (8 April), Council's Manager Visitor Experiences, Sally Jackson, is reported as saying that it had not been considered appropriate to house the flame and the plaques in the new centre as it is a commercial venue. "If the memorial is still within the Conference Centre, if the entire venue is booked... it means that there is no public access to it. We feel it should be accessible to the public 24/7."