Greg Scott from Napier talks to Hawke's Bay Today reporter Louise Gould about his dog Lovita who was stolen and he want's her back
A Napier man is waiting on the safe return of his beloved husky after she was stolen for the second time in her short life.
Greg Scott's 19-month-old husky Lovita was taken from his utility vehicle, which was parked on Nelson Cres, Napier South, about 9.45am on Thursday.
Scott lives in the nearby Aqua Lodge in temporary accommodation.
After investigating Lovita's theft, Scott, 73, identified the culprit from Aqua Lodge security camera footage, which showed her being put in a car carrying three people.
The person admitted the theft, Scott says, and claimed Lovita had been taken to the South Island but would be returned on Saturday.
Lovita the 19-month-old husky was stolen out of owner Greg Scott's car. Photo / Supplied
That didn't happen and Scott is now hopeful that going public with his loss will hasten her return.
Scott believes the pedigree husky was stolen to be onsold - something that has now happened to him twice.
The first time, she was sold to a Tauranga couple for $400 but was returned to Scott after the couple took her to a vet, and a microchip revealed the true owner.
"Over the weekend with not a lot to do, I've really missed her," he said.
Scott said he's staggered at how integral his dog is to his life. Photo / Supplied.
"I'm blown away with how close she is to me; she's a very loving and loyal dog."
Scott, who had left the drivers' door of his car unlocked, discovered Lovita was missing at 10am on Thursday and rang the police.
Police confirmed they are investigating the theft.
"I've kept away from the individual myself because I'm not going to get angry. I'm not that type of person," Scott said.
Greg Scott, 73, was visibly upset and crying when asked how much he missed his dog, Lovita. Photo / Paul Taylor
"It was made known to the person on Thursday night that we knew they had taken her and were told to bring her back.
"Whether she's on her way to the South Island or not, I don't know, but I'm having to take everything that's said and work with that at the moment," Scott said.
Scott has been living at Aqua Lodge since April after he had to leave his rental in Maraenui because of renovations.
In the current housing crisis, Scott said he's struggled to find a place where Lovita is allowed, with an enclosed yard or garden.
He said he doesn't feel safe living in a place where his dog was taken.
"There's not much you can say to the people who took her or have her - all they're looking at is the money."
Scott adopted Lovita when she was six months old.
"When we go for runs and walks together at the Pakowhai Dog Park, she'll go off and do her own thing, I'll whistle and she'll come straight back to me."
An Aqua Lodge spokesperson said the car in question was not on the site and declined to comment further.
A police spokeswoman said if anyone had any information or could help they could contact 105 quoting file number 210603/0870.