It is abundantly clear that in the so called Capitalist World, the average voter is fed up with the capitalists and the politicians who continue to prop them up.
They are becoming increasingly aware that the rich are getting much richer and the poor remain. In particular many of the middle of society realise that the economic style of neo liberalism is exacerbating the inequality. That title expression must have been dreamt up by their PR boys as they are neither near, new or in any stretch of imagination, liberal.
So there are calls for change, and the rise of fringe groups at the extreme edges of the political spectrum, and in the middle ground a viewpoint of 'a pox on both your houses'.
The majority are now realising though far too lagardley, that their standard of living is in decline. This country was in the van of the monetarism movement. To paraphrase Maggie Thatcher, she suggested that Roger Douglas did to the hapless kiwi what she could only dream of doing to the Brits.
Unfortunately most dont have the first idea what the problem is , and so equally no idea of the cure. We monetary reformers were hopeful that the '08 crash would alert the world and we could start again with a clean economic slate. But when the necessary cash was created by governments and instead of being distributed to the people, was handed over to the banking system which had caused the problem in the first place, it was obvious that the establisments held the leaders in thrall.