Dr Nicholas Jones, medical officer of health, Hawke's Bay District Health Board, says positive cases near Hawke's Bay's boundaries are a timely reminder to get tested and vaccinated. Photo NZME
Dr Nicholas Jones, medical officer of health, Hawke's Bay District Health Board, says positive cases near Hawke's Bay's boundaries are a timely reminder to get tested and vaccinated. Photo NZME
Hawke's Bay District Health Board's medical officer of health Dr Nicholas Jones says positive Covid-19 cases reported in Taupō and the Tararua district are a timely reminder that Delta is on Hawke's Bay's doorstep.
His comments came after 207 new cases were announced on Sunday, with four in the Lakes district,and two in MidCentral's Tararua District.
Locations of interest for the Tararua cases included Woodville's Caltex station and Farmlands in Pahiatua.
Jones urged anyone feeling unwell, particularly if they have travelled to Taupō, Rotorua or nearby Tararua district townships of Woodville, Pahiatua, Fielding or Dannevirke recently, to get tested.
Recent travellers to these districts should also keep an eye on potential locations of interest, which are notified on the Ministry of Health's website.
"This is yet another reminder that Covid-19 could be in Hawke's Bay before we know it, which means it is critical people who develop symptoms, no matter how mild, get tested as soon as symptoms develop," Jones said.
"It's important to get tested even if you are fully vaccinated as vaccinated people can get mild illness. The earlier we detect any spread of Covid-19, the more effective our response can be in stamping it out."
Tararua Mayor Tracey Collis said the region was prepared for the arrival of Covid-19 cases, and testing stations were open in Dannevirke, Pahīatua and Woodville.
Of the national cases, 108 are yet to be epidemiologically linked.
Jacquelyn Hokianga got her first Covid-vaccine shot over the weekend. Photo / Ian Cooper
Meanwhile Jacquelyn Hokianga was one of about 1500 in Hawke's Bay who rolled up their sleeves to get their jab over the Second Shot weekend.
Hokianga, from Flaxmere, turned up at the Church of Latter-Day Saints, in Flaxmere, on Sunday.
"I feel pretty good about getting it. I went to protect my daughter, and also so I could go out with her kohanga reo."
She said the jab itself didn't hurt and the service was "cool".
"They kept us entertained for the 15 mins we had to wait."
She will be getting her second jab in three weeks time.
Hawke's Bay DHB's Covid-19 Vaccination Programme senior responsible officer Chris McKenna said the DHB was pleased with the turnout on Saturday and hoped many more would take the opportunity to get vaccinated by Sunday-end.
"This weekend is a chance to remind those that had their first dose at Super Saturday over three weeks ago that it's time for their second," she said.
"We had around 940 people turn up to the 15 clinics on offer yesterday to get their second shot and about another 535 people get their first dose.
"Every vaccination is a success for us as it takes us one step closer to hitting our 90 per cent target and strengthens Hawke's Bay's defence against this nasty virus."
Currently in Hawke's Bay, 87 per cent of eligible people have had their first vaccination and 77 per cent have had their second.
People driving in to get their jabs at the Church of Latter-Day Saints, in Flaxmere. Photo / Ian Cooper
In Hawke's Bay there are a number of regular weekly, pop-up marae and church-based clinics as well as mobile vaccination clinics. Information is available at hbcovidvaccine.nz. People can also go to www.bookmyvaccine.nz or call 0800 28 29 26 to book.