Although fascinated by politics, Lauren will be heading to medical school next year, intent on becoming a paediatrician, but that doesn't mean she'll be leaving her political dream behind.
At the speechmaker national final in Wellington, Lauren competed against students from university and prestigious schools.
"They were of so much quality and here I was, from Dannevirke High School, the smallest of all, speaking against the likes of a University of Otago student representing thousands of students.
"But waiting for my turn, it just made me more determined to do well.
"I'm all for breaking the small-town mentality.
"Attending a small country school doesn't limit you and that's the one thing as head girl I am trying to get across.
"Dannevirke High School is awesome, fantastic."
Lauren's impromptu speech theme was freedom and she had just a few minutes to prepare.
"It's such a broad topic, but my dad is from Scotland, so I took my lead from Braveheart and carried it through to what freedom will mean for me going to university next year," she said.
In winning the national contest, Lauren has earned a six-week trip to the United States and Canada, leaving a week before Christmas.
"I'll be 18 and it will be just me, a suitcase and a guitar," she said.
And that guitar is pretty important. Lauren is also an accomplished musician, writing music and winning best solo performer, best song and best vocals at this year's Wairarapa Regional Smokefree Rockquest competition, and placing fourth nationally.
Last year Lauren and her band Hymns & Her were second in the rockquest Manawatu regional finals.
"Life is pretty jam-packed and it's been a crazy few months," she said.
But above all else, one of the most important aspects of Lauren's life has been Dannevirke High School.
"It's about whanau. Being connected and feeling so supported by teachers and students who are constantly lifting me up," she said.
"They're so proud of me and I feel that, it's awesome.
"I hope other students can take that and run with it as well."