Jenna Hutchings, with lead principals Caroline Transom and Megan Seatter.
Jenna Hutchings, with lead principals Caroline Transom and Megan Seatter.
On Monday, November 13 over 60 teachers from six local primary schools gathered at Dannevirke South School to learn more about the curriculum refresh, Te Mātaiaho, which is two years into a six-year refresh of the national curriculum organised by the Ministry of Education.
The schools are all part of the Tamaki nui-a-Rua (Dannevirke) Kahui Ako (Community of Learning) which is a team that works together to ensure success for all tamariki (children) in our community and includes six primary schools, seven early childhood education settings, Dannevirke High School and both local iwi, Ngati Kahungunu and Rangitane).
Jenna Hutchings directs teachers to work in groups to plan their new curriculum.
The workshop was organised by Caroline Transom and Megan Seatter, the newly appointed Kahui Ako (lead principals), and Jenna Hutchings, the across school lead. Caroline is the principal at Dannevirke South where Jenna is the assistant principal while Megan is the principal at St Joseph’s School. The day was facilitated by educational consultants Brad Gay and Shona Burrough.
“It is not often teachers get time to connect with teachers from other schools which is something that we want to do more of. There is a wealth of knowledge and skill in our local schools and early childhood settings and we need to be tapping into those skills for the benefit of all our tamariki and their whānau,” Megan says.
The theme for the day – creating a programme which reflects student needs and interests.
The day was a mix of teachers applying their learning to their own school environment, making connections with others across the rōpū (community) and having a look around Dannevirke South School.
More of these collaborative events have been planned for next year at different locations, as we work together to meet the needs of our community with a particular focus on building the Hauora (wellbeing) of our students, staff and community and strengthening relationships across the area to ensure success for all our tamariki.
Feedback from teachers about the day has been great and teachers enjoyed the opportunity to mix.
We are extremely fortunate to have the calibre of education professionals that we do in our area, who are well supported by a collaborative team of leaders.