While the students and staff have been away over the Christmas holidays contractors have been busy creating a much more attractive and safe environment for Dannevirke South School.
A bright new South School entrance painted in house colours. Photo / Dave Murdoch
The colours continue throughout the school. Photo / Dave Murdoch
TP Decorating and Martin Beveridge have completely painted the exterior of the school in bright house colours, a special new-toned blue being a difference for 2024.
The newly resurfaced hall floor. Photo / Dave Murdoch
Assembly and pōwhiri practice drew students’ attention to a beautifully stripped and resurfaced hall floor, perfect for the huge range of activities including the new year pōwhiri scheduled for Friday. Indications from witnessing the practice suggest the children have forgotten little since learning their new pōwhiri last term.
Yet to be witnessed on their first day was the restructured stream bank down by the bridge carried out with Ministry of Education funding to prevent the banks eroding away.
And of course coming to school was a new experience with the Rawhiti and Stairs St roundabout remodelled to slow traffic – a speed cushion pad having been placed where the pedestrian crossing usually is and still to be marked when the concrete matures sometime this week.
Principal Caroline Transom says all the changes are great for morale and sets the school going with a good vibe.
Dave Murdoch is a part-time photo-journalist working for the Bush Telegraph and based at Dannevirke. He has covered any community story telling good news about the district for the last ten years.