Sporting Trials in Dannevirke. First published February 2023. Video / Leanne Warr
Plans for a new Dannevirke multisport complex are being challenged by Dannevirke Sports Club chairman Craig Boyden, who says it should be housed at the town’s A&P Showgrounds.
Boyden said the club has some 600 members across five sporting codes and a complex needed to be built at the best-suited facility.
Dannevirke multisport complex committee, Erana Peeti-Weber (left), Tim Henman, Vicky Priday, Sam Jones, Laura Dawson, Campbell Easton, and Lina Castles.
He told Hawke’s Bay Today that over the years there had been discussions around where to house the complex and believed the showgrounds would be best suited.
“It has got a great big parcel of land in the middle of town and is seen by many as the ultimate place for all sport to be together.”
Castles said the venue was viewed as better suited because it was already a recreation destination, in a central location and alongside the Aquatic Centre.
The committee completed a feasibility study in 2021 with Global Leisure Group that took an in-depth look at current resources, accessibility and the needs of the community. It was peer-reviewed by Recreation Aotearoa.
“Both documents support the project and reassert the need for better sport and recreation facilities in Dannevirke.”
Castles said the committee was in the process of sourcing funding for an extensive business case that would look at the building of outdoor courts, indoor stadium and all-weather turf.
The committee hoped to complete a business case for the multisport facility by the end of 2024, to allow plans to begin.
A&P Show Association president Kirsten Wahlberg said it had not been approached with the idea to house the complex at the showgrounds.
“Yes the A&P does have a large amount of land that is currently used for sporting venues and events, and as far as I am aware no one has ever actually come to us with a formal proposition.”
She believed sport in Dannevirke was strong, however, she understood the struggle was with a lack of players rather than facilities.
“I’m not 100 per cent sure as to what sports would suffer and die if they didn’t build something at the showgrounds because currently everything still operates.”
The multisport complex committee plans to have a ball for a fundraiser at the Dannevirke Town Hall on May 25.
Michaela Gower joined Hawke’s Bay Today in 2023 and is based out of the Hastings newsroom. She covers Dannevirke and Hawke’s Bay news and has a love for sharing stories about farming and rural communities.
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