"Having been involved in the market for many years I can see we can resurrect this for many more years to come. There were some good people involved and it should be continued for some years.
"We talked about whether this is the right time of year to hold the market day. In my view it's the only time to hold it."
Traditionally it's held on the Friday before Labour Weekend which is also Hawke's Bay Anniversary Day.
"We need to focus on attracting people from north of Norsewood and through advertising, the media and social media encourage them to come here on their day off.
"We can identify the people who have come to Dannevirke for the day or are passing through and decide to stop so it's imperative that we keep the market to that day."
He said the chamber was prepared to help in advertising the market day and through its database getting more retailers on board.
"This will give other businesses and clubs the chance to take part. The chamber would like to help with marketing to make it even better for the community board.
"I was extremely well run and it can only get better."
Patel said he had spoken to some retailers and they had reported a reasonably successful day.
"The town's new retailers get quite excited about market day. I talked to several of them and one comment was that the day lacked something like a theme.
"We have tried this in the past, but it is something we could look at again in the future."
Board chairman Pat Walshe said the board will go ahead and organise the market day again in the future.
"The key to our success was to get out there early and talk to people about it. We were out there pushing the barrow three or four months before the event."
Patel agreed that if retailers could be given plenty of notice it would get them to the market day.
Walshe felt one of the biggest drawcards for retailers was that there was no charge for having a stall.
"I hope we can keep doing that. We needed a bit of funding to advertise the event."
He said he felt there could have been more buskers providing entertainment and there was the thought that there could have been some competitions to attract more people.
Patel thanked the board for the opportunity to speak and congratulated them all for being returned to office.
"It's fantastic to see you all back here again."
He also thanked former board chairman Ross Macdonald for his years of work on the board.