Tararua district councillor Jim Crispin is adamant the council should have robust discussions with Horizons Regional Council on consents for a sea wall at the beach community.
"We should be doing something to protect what we've got out there and there's a feeling in the Akitio community that they accept responsibility to contribute," he said.
The Akitio Ratepayers Association has asked the council to fund the consent application process for the sea wall work at the beach.
"The application included in the council's long-term plan was rejected," Peter Greatbatch, chairman of the ratepayers association, said in a letter to council. But residents have highlighted their concerns about the continued erosion of the foreshore and are offering to obtain funding for work from affected ratepayers.
When this matter was last considered by the council, after community consultation as part of the long-term plan, councillors confirmed their position was not to budget funding for the sea wall, or to hold the resource consent, as at the time there was no certainty a consent would be approved and fears storms could cause significant damage to sea walls, with climate change expected to reduce the effectiveness of a wall over time. The Akitio community felt its contribution to the tourist and coast attractions was under-valued because of that decision.