The new Dannevirke Chamber of Commerce leadership and committee members. Photo / Dave Murdoch
The new Dannevirke Chamber of Commerce leadership and committee members. Photo / Dave Murdoch
The Dannevirke Chamber of Commerce reports it is in a healthy state as it begins its new financial year.
Retiring chairman Bryce Galloway, who was absent for the annual general meeting held last month, gave a comprehensive chairman’s report.
His report noted finances are in good shape, all leadership positions are filled, a committee of nine had been elected, membership is stable and there had been some exciting activities in what was “an eventful year in lots of different ways”.
Highlights were the way the chamber had coped with the challenges of Covid, rampant inflation, mortgage increases, Cyclone Gabrielle disruptions and supply chain issues.
Bryce reported on the Shires Centenary – its celebrations for the town in its dinner and Gallery of History display, then its subsequent sponsorship of the successful Christmas Parade.
He highlighted also the popular After Five meetings at The Regent Theatre, Hato Hone St John Ambulance, Shires Fruit and Vege Market, Tui Brewery, The Black Stump, the Gallery of History and Lancaster Tractors.
Bryce forecasts a further nine After Fives for the next year, starting with a ‘Fantasy Cave’ presentation on August 23 at MCI which will begin at 5pm.
Congratulations were in store for all those who made the 2022 Christmas Parade such a success after cancellation the previous year.
“I know we say this every year, but this last year the quality bar was lifted extra-high,” Bryce said.
While acknowledging the challenges that currently face local businesses and the possibility of further harder times, he applauded the expansion of Dannevirke Pharmacy into the building next to the Medical Centre on Waterloo Street, and the arrival of a popular Thai restaurant as signs of hope, especially with the new Manawatū-Tararua Highway opening in 18 months. He said: “There are real opportunities out there to grow our community – we need to be taking a positive approach.”
Following the reading of Galloway’s report and his subsequent stepping down from the position, Tracey Friend was elected unopposed to take on the role, Suresh Patel was re-elected deputy chair, Ros Watson was re-elected as secretary, and with Moira Paewai relinquishing her role as treasurer, Sharyne Wimsett was elected to take her place.
Outgoing treasurer Moira Paewai receives a cyclamen from secretary Ros Watson. Photo / Dave Murdoch
Acting chairman Suresh Patel thanked Moira for her “absolute professionalism” in everything she has done over her eight years in the role, not just in handling the accounts but in all the other parts she played, helping keep the chamber running. She was presented with a cyclamen as a tiny token of the chamber’s appreciation.
Bryce Galloway was also commended in his absence for his three years as chairman. He remains on the committee.
Five of last year’s committee remained - Robynne Cload, Terry Hynes, Buffy Mabey, Kim Phelps and Bryce Galloway – and they were joined by four more elected from the floor, those being Buffy Lock, Adele Small, Sally Williams and Ross Brans.
Membership subs remained at $80 in view of the economic times, and Patel predicted the influx of new people to the town would hopefully give business and the town a boost.
Dave Murdoch is a part-time photo-journalist working for the Bush Telegraph and based at Dannevirke. He has covered any good community storytelling news about the district for the last 10 years.