Webster said she had been undertaking roadside checks in partnership with Plunket and the police for 14 years.
"We all agree the correct use of child restraints is improving. However, during these checks, statistics collected show over half of the restraints inspected are installed incorrectly.
"Common problems we encounter include tether straps not bolted, loose harnesses, restraints not routed correctly with the seatbelt, not suitable for the age/size of the child, or expired restraints. This is if they have a car seat at all."
She said some parents couldn't be bothered with car seats, but she came across some genuine cases where parents simply could not afford them.
Tararua Alliance director Dave Geary said the team was pleased this small action would make a huge difference in keeping local children safe and help families who were in need.
"When speaking with Debbie and the police, we learnt that many children aren't in the correct sized restraint. They outgrow the initial car seat, so then need to move to a seat appropriate for their age and size.
"For Alliance the focus is on safety in the community. Providing safer roads is what we do so we saw this as an opportunity to give something back across the district."
He said having had 22 years in the fire service he had seen first hand the injuries to children who were not in car seats.
Tararua police response manager Dave Fraser said there was an accident recently where a child was ejected from a vehicle in a crash.
Although it wasn't known for certain at this stage it was likely the child was unrestrained, he said.
Parents are encouraged to check the required standards before hiring or buying a child restraint, which are available on Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's website.
Plunket's technicians are also available to provide advice on how to correctly fit a child restraint.
Requirements for child restraints
Until their 7th birthday: Correctly secure your child in an approved child restraint.
From their 7th to their 8th birthday: Correctly secure your child in an approved child restraint if one is available in the vehicle (and if not, in any child restraint or safety belt that is available).
From 8th birthday to 14: Must use safety belts if available. If not available, they must travel in the back seat.
Over 14 years old: Must use safety belts where they are available.