Professor Roger Maaka, in his "Talking Point" of September 9, makes assertions which require a response.
We acknowledge his mana and Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea's (TTOT) mana whenua over the CHB rohe, and particularly over Lake Whatuma, but believe TTOT has not adequately considered its kaitiakitanga role over Te Taiao, for these reasons.
First, the 90m-high dam (RWSS) will do irreparable damage to the Makaroro awa, which he correctly describes as a taonga. Second, the RWSS will affect the mana whenua of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, as the Tukituki also passes through their rohe. Third, the proposed land swap of 22ha of conservation park for 146ha of Smedley land is, besides being unlawful, full of holes: scientifically, morally, ethically and legally. We read the same reports as TTOT and we also have access to scientists who will counter the DoC report with equally valid and more convincing arguments. We believe the DoC report has been written so as to seem favourable to the land swap, as highlighted by Dr Amelia McQueen's recent "Talking Point".
Many native species will be forced into much smaller areas ... further threatening the area's sensitive biodiversity
Fourth, the land swap is an illusion - the DoC land and Smedley land are owned by the Crown, and the Crown cannot swap land with itself. Both lots of land may have differing purposes, but the fact that the Crown has authority over both areas is indisputable. Thus there is no gain whatsoever - in fact we will permanently lose the 22ha of conservation land.