Contrary to what Irrigation NZ (INZ) believes, Forest & Bird (F&B) has a very good understanding of the issues and processes which have occurred to date with the Ruataniwhai water storage scheme, as the organisation has been involved with the project through its Hawke's Bay branches since its inception.
We were part of the Stakeholders Group and lodged submissions to the Board of Inquiry and also at the March 2015 DoC hearing, as Andrew Curtis from Irrigation NZ confirms. What has become clear to us over the past four years is there are many vested interests involved in the scheme, of which INZ is one of the largest.
For them to suggest that F&B has no interest in developing a thriving, sustainable future for provincial New Zealand is ludicrous and shows their ignorance of the 90-odd years of F&B's involvement in communities across the country.
Furthermore, the economic benefits they speak of are achievable in other more sustainable and environmentally acceptable ways - INZ and the pro-dam lobby are aware of this but have steadfastly kept their heads in the sand on this point, refusing to acknowledge the obvious.
And to try and lecture us on the meaning of sustainability is rich, considering not a single irrigation scheme in NZ has been proved to be environmentally sustainable.