CAN is bursting at the seams with some wonderful exhibitions and creative workshops in-house for April. I hope you can pop in to visit our space – which is your space, as it belongs to our community.
Opening in our Small Gallery on Friday is the debut exhibition by Martin Corke, a series of rich oil paintings inspired by the Tukituki. A multiple finalist in the Adam Portraiture Award, winner of the 10-year anniversary Walker & Hall Art Award on Waiheke Island and selected for NZ’s Sotheby International Realty Art Review, Martin often takes inspiration from local landscapes to create his stunning paintings in oils on canvas. Tuki Tuki contains several works of Hawke’s Bay scenes that are now unrecognisable because of the cyclone, scenes beautifully captured and preserved as a lasting record of what was.
Young local artist Drew Ferguson’s work will be gracing our foyer from Saturday. Drew loves painting portraits with acrylics and has recently picked up watercolours. He is currently studying at Victoria University toward a BSC in marine biology, ecology and biodiversity, and painting whenever he gets the chance, luckily for us.