There are many variables to that 'guesstimate', though.
Before the holiday weekend, from October 17 to October 21, daily rates peaked at 367, with a daily average of 250.
We'd hit the target earlier at that rate. We've also had the surge of Super Saturday.
Before (October 15) and after (October 17) Super Saturday comparisons show that 3,032 people got their first jab and 5,838 their second. We'd rather it was the other way round.
Hawke's Bay has an added incentive to hit 90 per cent - it's the carrot being dangled
The Fairy God nurse Valerie Harris blesses Lovey Gillies of Napier at the Pak'n Save vaccination clinic on Super Saturday. Photo / Ian Cooper
before we can enter a new 'traffic light' restriction regime.
Conversely, vaccination mandate rules can't be introduced until regions operate under the traffic light system.
The three new levels - red, orange and green - are only accessible to regions that have hit a double vax rate of 90 per cent.
Each level - just like the old system of levels one to four - has varying levels of proactive restrictions.
However, you get dispensation if you have a vaccination certificate and rules around public gatherings etc can be relaxed if they are restricted to certificate holders.
Across all three levels, contract tracing is mandatory and face masks remain part of our lives.
The vaccination certificates aren't available until late November, but you can start the process by going to