"There are 77 new cases of Covid-19 to report today (Thursday) in the MidCentral rohe (region) of which, 69 are confirmed cases (via PCR test) and 8 probable cases (via Rapid Antigen Test (RAT)", according to MidCentral DHB Covid-19 Senior Responsible Officer, Deborah Davies.
"We now have confirmed active cases of Covid-19 in every district across our rohe and our focus continues to be on protecting our vulnerable communities and individuals, and lessening the impact on our health services.
"Given the number of Covid-19 cases around the country, you should assume you may have been exposed to Covid-19 and isolate and get tested if you experience any Covid-19 symptoms.
"The Government has announced that we will move to phase 3 at midnight tonight. There are two key changes under phase 3.
"Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) will be more widely available at community testing sites across the rohe.