"The decision to close the school was to allow for further contact tracing and to prepare for the return of those students able to return on Monday (February 21).
"We are continuing to work with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education around supporting our school community and to ensuring that student learning can continue to take place, both online and at school."
In Hawke's Bay 36.8 per cent of the eligible population of 5 to 11 year-old's is partially vaccinated, which is 6532 of 17,749.
Hawke's Bay DHB's medical officer of health Rachel Eyre urged households and businesses to make-a-plan for Omicron.
Eyre said most people with Covid, particularly those who were fully vaccinated, would likely experience mild to moderate illness and would be fine to recover at home.
For those who needed a bit more help support would be available.
"Now's the time to get prepared and make sure everyone in your household or business knows what to do.
"People that test positive will be sent a text message that will include useful links to information and a form people need to fill out. This form will help identify people that may need more support."
As the case numbers in the region rose, the Ministry of Health announced a new record of 1929 of Covid cases nationally on Friday.
On Friday, 73 people were in hospital with the virus including one in ICU or HDU. The average age of patients with Covid-19 is 57.
Eighteen new Covid cases were detected at the border.