Hawke's Bay DHB chief executive Keriana Brooking said she was heartened by the large number of people who sought to protect themselves from Covid-19. Photo / NZME
Hawke's Bay DHB chief executive Keriana Brooking said she was heartened by the large number of people who sought to protect themselves from Covid-19. Photo / NZME
More than 60,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses have now been administered across Hawke's Bay, with more than 10,000 expected to be completed this week alone.
Hawke's Bay DHB chief executive Keriana Brooking said vaccine bookings were steady as Group 4 bookings opened to people aged 60 and over.
"By the end of this week we will have completed 10,000 doses administered in one week, which shows the true scale of our vaccine programme as we ramp things up across the region."
This puts Hawke's Bay about 7 per cent ahead of plan.
More than 60,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered across Hawke's Bay as of this week. Photo / NZME
Brooking emphasised that people had a choice about where they can receive their vaccine.
"It is free and available to everyone living in New Zealand aged 16 and over, regardless of visa or citizenship status."
Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi deputy chair and Hawke's Bay DHB cultural advisor JB Heperi-Smith said he was especially excited to see Māori and Pasifika communities were getting vaccinated.
One of the first people to get vaccinated, he said the power was in their hands to "beat Covid-19, not let it beat us".
"I'm proud to help lead the way and show my whānau, hapū and iwi it's safe to get vaccinated and so you protect not only yourself but your whānau."
Covid-19 vaccines were available through DHB clinics within the community as well as some participating pharmacies and general practices.
No walk-in clinics were available to avoid vaccine wastage.
People are able to register or book their vaccine by calling 0800 282926 or online through bookmyvaccine.nz.
The online booking system has all the information about the staged rollout for Group 4 broken down by age bands with people aged 55 plus able to get vaccinated from August 11 onwards.
More information about Hawke's Bay's regional rollout is available at hbcovidvaccine.nz.