The 45-year-old said the wind on Sunday, whirling through Marine Pde, almost blew the painting over, but four young teenagers went and caught Martin's artwork.
"They were holding the painting up and they didn't know it that I was the person that did it," he said.
"They just put everything down and went to try and save this painting that they obviously read and connected with – which is the whole point of it."
Martin said painting has been a hobby for a long time, but it wasn't until lockdown in March 2020 that he started creating art once again.
"I started filling time and painting, it reignited my passion to do it," he said.
Before now Martin, who is originally from Quebec in Canada, had previously never showed off his artwork and usually left it in the garage.
The poem on the piece, honouring everyone who had been affected by the pandemic reads:
"Inconspicuous virus stained the world
Troubled, broken, felt by all. Earth still blue
To those who passed in silence with no hand to touch
Your tears have fallen in our hearts, world united as one.
He said we love, and love heals us all
She says, courageous souls, our thoughts are with you
Earth, life, the world a gift.
They said let's remember with love peaceful silence
Loss yet not forgotten"