Cape to City cultural consultant Des Ratima said it was encouraging to work collaboratively for such an important kaupapa that would leave their environment, their communities and their children a legacy of partnership, collaboration and a connectedness with Papatuanuku for the future of their nation.
The hui was also an opportunity for Cape to City project partners to follow up on topics discussed at the hui held in September last year at Waimarama Marae.
A range of topics were covered from pest control participation on farms, to finding new ways of incorporating Mātauranga Māori into project outreach.
A key focus was on sharing the stories of Te Matau a Māui, the area which Cape to City is part of, to encourage awareness of the project vision, which is about being surrounded by native species in every part of our lives.
Project leader Wendy Rakete-Stones said these hui were such a valuable opportunity to engage with hapu members and discuss the project and areas where they could collaborate or support each other's visions.
"It's through working together that we will make the biggest gains and we are very grateful to Matahiwi Marae for hosting the hui."
The hui took place at a critical time for Cape to City, as decision-makers were now considering how to roll out predator control across the wider Hawke's Bay region.
The project is a step towards achieving the Government's Predator Free 2050 ambition and is built on five pillars: Species Reintroduction, Habitat Restoration, Research, Community Engagement and Pest Control.
It is a collaboration between the Hawke's Bay Regional Council, the Department of Conservation, Landcare Research, The Aotearoa Foundation, Cape Sanctuary, local iwi groups and landowners under the Hawke's Bay Regional Biodiversity Strategy.
Another project that will also benefit is Cape to City's sister project, Poutiri Ao ō Tāne, an ongoing 8800ha restoration project that began in 2011.