MidCentral District Health Board is wanting to hear the voice of Tararua community about the care offered for whānau and pēpi in their first 1000 days of life.
It's part of a wider study that also covers Horowhenua and Ōtaki.
The community engagement process, Tūngia te Ururua, will be asking local whānau about the support they received or are receiving in providing care for their baby (pēpi) during the first 1000 days (from conception to two years of age).
The information gathered will be used to optimise future service provision to meet the needs of local wāhine, whānau and pēpi.
Te Uru Pā Harakeke – Healthy Women, Children and Youth Operations executive Sarah Fenwick said she was pleased there was an opportunity to work with these communities, through Tūngia te Ururua, to find the best opportunities for maternity care and services in the first 1000 days.