Strange events are taking place in Dannevirke's Fountain Theatre. The cast of "Clue" are in a house where all the external doors have been locked and vicious dogs roam the grounds.
Each cast member has a secret and a challenge to tackle, making them "uniquely motivated" but things change. At one point a member says "We have two bodies, one of which is missing and the imminent arrival of the police to look forward to."
How the plot evolves is for the audience to discover and possibly even influence.
Director Gerrard McKay has called on a rich variety of experienced actors to see this through and already, after four rehearsals, the play is taking shape.
Some actors have come directly from the very popular Steel Magnolias – Michelle Walker, Tania Mackay, Lucy Marvin, Davina Graham, Elijah Graham and Peter Sinclair (The latter three swapping off-stage roles for onstage) - while really experienced veterans in Dave Smith, Brendon Russell, Sarah Jensen, Godfrey Prenter and Boz Charlton have been lured back for such an interesting opportunity to perform with newcomer Rhebe Rosewood to make her Fountain Theatre debut.