Competitors in a previous NZ Chefs Hawke's Bay Salon competition. Photo / Supplied
Competitors in a previous NZ Chefs Hawke's Bay Salon competition. Photo / Supplied
Ever wished you could have a go at becoming a MasterChef? Well here's your chance to show off your cooking talents and maybe get an award under your belt.
Entries are open to school students, trainees and the local industry for the NZ Chefs Hawke's Bay Salon competition to be held at EIT on June 12 and 13.
EIT programme coordinator/commercial manager Celia Kurta says they are very excited about the cooking competition.
"Also, this year for the first time we are having a Front of House competition," Celia said.
Regional competition winners go to Auckland to battle it out.
"It's a fantastic opportunity for trainee chefs, baristas and anyone that thinks they have the determination and skill to become a chef, to showcase their talent," Celia said.
"It looks great on your CV, and there are always plenty of industry people watching to see what talent is about."
Static entries, which are cooked off-site and brought in, include celebration cakes, cheese cake, quiche and Hawke's Bay's best pie.
Live kitchen classes include cafe sandwich, street food, innovative pizza and curry main course.
Static entries for a previous NZ Chefs Hawke's Bay Salon competition. Photo / Supplied
"It's an exciting event," Celia said.
"Very 'MasterChefish'. There are rules and time limits around each dish. Some competitors do three or four dishes while others might decide to do just one.
"It's not easy being a chef. As a tutor, I have seen what it takes and that includes a lot of determination, stamina and enthusiasm. You have to put the hours into it, which means practising at home. It's hot, hard work.
"This competition gives you a chance to put yourself out there and show off your skills. Tutors and judges love seeing passion put into your cooking.
"People who do well in the competitions usually go on to do well in the industry. They stand out from the crowd and are sought after. It's a great way to get your career going."
As a tutor, Celia says she loves seeing the moment when a student "gets it".
"It's like a light going on in their brain — they are ignited and inspired to work as hard as they can to achieve their goals."
Chief judge will be Angela Ferguson from New Plymouth; Salon director is Glenn Fulcher, head of school for tourism/hospitality.
The competition will be held at the School of Tourism and Hospitality, Eastern Institute of Technology, Taradale. Members of the public are welcome to go along and watch.
For further information, go to
If you'd like to see some of the senior students in action before the competitions, come along to EIT this Wednesday. The Level 5 Cookery students will showcase the region's fantastic produce using their skills with our own Farmers' Market with homemade jams, chutneys, smoked meats, pates and other charcuterie items and breads. This will be held in Scholars Restaurant, P Block, EIT.
Categories: Beginner Either intermediate or secondary school students in Year 8, 9 or 10 studying home economics and or hospitality. Student A secondary school student in Year 11, 12 or 13 studying hospitality and /or NZQA units standards level 1, 2 or 3. Trainee An entrant who is engaged in training, irrespective of their age, at an appropriate educational institute, on an industry training programme or who is undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship with a registered workplace. The entrant must have under 4000 hours of work experience as at the date of the competition. Open An entrant may enter this class regardless of age, experience or hours worked. Please be aware that you will be allowed to enter Trainee of lower events if you have chosen an open class (you must choose open for all your events). Static All presented in Scholars Restaurant – P Block Tourism & Hospitality @ EIT. Static exhibits will be provided with table space on Saturday, appropriately numbered for each class.